The Salerno & Partners Firm has provided its support in numerous transactions in which the company valuation was requested, both nationally and internationally. The Firm provides a team of consultants who, upon the outcome of a due diligence, identifies the most suitable methodologies taking into account the context and purpose, and assists the entrepreneur in the dialogue that could possibly be established with counterparties.
There are moments in the life of the company when it is necessary to check its state of health. This usually takes place in view of M&A transactions, the sale of shareholding packages, in the event of buy-out or similar cases; however, this does not exclude the possibility of “measuring the pulse” even in normal operating conditions, to keep the economic-company dynamics under observation. A dedicated staff prepares a due diligence report in the areas where specific monitoring is necessary.
Every year, the Salerno & Partners Firm provides its assistance in numerous extraordinary finance operations (mergers, demergers, transfers, transformations, transfers and company rentals), between related and unrelated parties, at a domestic and international level. The professionals carry out a preliminary check, possibly accompanied by a due diligence, and provide support in resolving procedural and fiscal criticalities, also through the presentation of rulings.
The Salerno & Partners Firm provides its assistance in corporate reorganization operations both nationally and internationally, also in the light of domestic and EU tax regulations.
A company has its own physiological evolution, which, over time, leads the entrepreneur to experiment with new business models, to glimpse new development paths, to downsize or abandon certain areas.
The family in today’s times has been, like and perhaps more than other institutions, affected by the wide, deep and rapid transformations, which can undermine people’s serenity and jeopardize the family patrimony. Which, in our view, is not only represented by “tangible wealth“, but also by the system of reference values, culture and the set of human relationships that must be safeguarded. With this in mind, it is essential to adopt adequate strategies for the protection of assets, especially as a precaution and with the awareness of the tools that the legislation makes available.

One of the most delicate moments in the life of the company is represented by the “passing of the baton” between a parent and a child.
The Salerno & Partners Firm, providing its assistance since 2011, has had the opportunity to be close to generations of entrepreneurs and to accompany them in this delicate phase. We are proud to have customers now in their second generation. Evidently the success is not due to the merit of the professionals, but to the quality of the people; however, it is nice to think that we have played a role, albeit a small one, in favoring the process.