Registered trademark

The aforementioned logo of the Salerno & Partners Firm was registered, on 2 December 2021, as a trademark, with application no. 302021000198329 at the Italian Patent and Trademark Office of the Ministry of Economic Development (MISE) with description:
“The trademark consists of the words SALERNO & PARTNERS TAX AND LEGAL CONSULTING FIRM Get what’s yours, arranged on three levels, being the SALERNO & PARTNERS part in capital letters in black color placed on the first level, being the TAX AND LEGAL CONSULTING FIRM part in capital letters in gray color placed on the second level, being the Get what’s yours part in special lowercase handwriting in black color with the initial letter G in capital letters placed on the third level level and a fancy red graphic is placed on the right of the entire wording, as per the attached specimen; the trademark can be reproduced in any size.”