Salerno Cares

Salerno Cares

Salerno & Partners Firm looks with great attention and interest to the issue of sustainability.
Acting in a sustainable perspective, by now, represents a crucial and essential factor for organizations, so much so that the value generated through business activity has become an element that is no longer purely economic, but also linked to environmental protection, to a virtuous relationship with its collaborators and surrounding communities, and to ethical business management.
In this context, Salerno Cares came to light, the initiative that, taking the ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) principles as a reference, brings together in a single program our activities in favor of the environment (Salerno Cares Environment), of people ( Salerno Cares Social), of governance (Salerno Cares Work), so as to favor our sustainable development.


Salerno & Partners Firm, in carrying out its business, aims to reduce the environmental impact and the consumption of natural resources, aiming at energy efficiency and correct waste management with the aim of moving towards a complete integration of environmental aspects. and social in the way we operate.
We respect the environment through an efficient and responsible use of natural resources.

We work with certified suppliers who operate according to a sustainable business model.


People are the engine of growth and our success
This is why we constantly work to enhance our resources and develop their talent. We ensure a work environment free of discrimination of all kinds and inspired by the principles of equal opportunity.
Many professionals come to us very young and become women and men with us.
We want to accompany our people on the path of human, as well as professional growth.
The work environment characterizes the life of each of us, it is important to constantly improve it.


Salerno Cares Work is our program centered on the fundamental issues of governance. It includes a series of actions in favor of diversity, as well as the adoption of a code of ethics to ensure high standards of conduct and inclusion policies.

Pro bono

Our advice in support of worthy initiatives, in favor of society and the community.
The Firm carries out and promotes pro bono consultancy activities in favor of subjects operating in the social sector in sectors of public utility and for projects that are deemed worthy.
Requests for free consultancy can be sent to the Firm via the e-mail address: and will be evaluated by dedicated professionals who, at their discretion, will verify the conditions of necessity and merit, in order to ensure the better advice to the limited number of selected cases.